Exhaled breath testing

We’re leading the way in exhaled breath testing in London. Breath testing aligns perfectly with our ethos of minimal intervention and maximum effect, often providing us – and you – with a quick diagnosis and solution. If you think our tests could help you, feel free to get in touch.

The Greek physician Hippocrates wrote a treatise on the relationship between disease and breath around 400 BC. The connection is not then a modern scientific revelation, although the modern, developing techniques and equipment, most definitely are.

Your breathprint can be as unique as your fingerprint, reflecting the way your body is working internally. Our growing ability to analyse exhaled breath allows for testing which is non-invasive, safe and gives quick results.

For gastrointestinal, exhaled breath tests, you might need to take a harmless test substance, or sugar solution orally, but that’s all – no discomfort, no need to reorganise your day and a whole range of diagnostic opportunities.

Established breath tests

Helicobacter Pylori (H. pylori) is a bacterium which lives in the stomach. It can be a cause of gastric or peptic ulcers or, in rarer cases, stomach cancer.

H. pylori produces an enzyme which, when combined with a test substance you swallow, produces a quite specific sample of carbon in your breath. The bacterium are then swiftly identified, with no requirement for internal samples. In addition, lactose, or fructose intolerance can both can be traced using breath tests. These common dietary issues can arise after illnesses such as gastroenteritis or colitis.

Following a control test on your breath, you’ll be asked to swallow a sugar solution. You’ll then be tested again at brief intervals, primarily hydrogen analysis, to establish your reaction to the additional sugars.

A third well-established test is for the small intestine. Although normally bacteria-free, the small intestine can become colonised by bacteria from other areas of the gut, which can cause bloating and/or diarrhoea.

Again, your reaction to a harmless substance (usually lactulose) can be analysed through your breath, and this allows us to identify any bacterial infection. Once your diagnosis is complete, treatment is, typically, quick and effective.

The future of breath testing

A range of digestive symptoms can arise from your reaction to sugars, or unwanted bacteria. The production of excessive gas internally that this can cause can lead to bloat, abdominal cramps, nausea, or physical weakness.

A gastroenterologist by nature deals with areas which cannot easily be seen, so any advances that allow issues to be detected non-invasively are welcome.
That’s why we continue to keep abreast of all major and reliable developments. By doing so, we’re able to offer you the very best care while keeping you as comfortable as possible.

Book a consultation

To make an appointment, or if you have any questions, please contact my secretary, Orsi Baranya:

E: profbloompractice@hcahealthcare.co.uk

T:  +44 20 7483 5662
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